Friday, April 10, 2015

Hand and fingersJST

Trisha Keel via EM exchange on FB
Just a note: this is Jin Shin Jyutsu and doesn't really correlate to the meridians flows thru the fingers and how we use them in EEM. I think JSJ works with the radiant circuits which form before the meridians. JSJ suggests holding these fingers separately (both sides for balance) to help with the associated emotion on their chart.

For instance, in EEM, we relate the thumb to Lung meridian (not the ring finger as shown on the JSJ chart you shared) which flows thru it and the emotion of grief. The ring finger has TW running thru it - relating to anxiety and hysteria. Worry is associated with the Stomach meridian and digestion but Stomach doesn't flow thru the fingers.

JSJ is great - just don't want people to become confused as this page is devoted to Eden Energy Medicine.

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