Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hand in Hand articles  Patty W       NEW PARENT

Dear Natalie and other thoughtful Moms,

I love the answers given here by Sam and Julia. I have just one thing to add: that the LIstening Tools are meant to be used in concert with one another. If you're using Staylistening, it won't work well over time without regular Special Time, some good Playlistening, reasonable Limits, and some LIstening Partnership time, or other emotional support for you. The tools go together. When it's hard to listen to your daughter and all she has to fight through when you need to set limits with her and Staylisten, then it's time to get some emotional support for yourself, even if it's just a good cry in the bathroom when a pretty song is playing on the radio and moves you.

It's a good rule of thumb that, however long you've Staylistened to your child, try to pack in about that amount of Special Time and/or Playlistening in the following couple of days. Both these tools readjust the power balance between the two of you, giving her the upper hand and the reins of the relationship for specific periods of time. This is really helpful insurance against your child eventually feeling overwhelmed by the limits and the Staylistening.

I hope that's helpful--and thank you so much to you two moms who answered so beautifully.

Hey parenting people. When you feel like you're messing up it's most likely because you're just really really tired and overdone. Your exhaustion is trying to get your attention and when you are in the thick of it and thinking about everyone else's needs, a quick way to bring you present to yourself is to think negative, judgmental thoughts. It's not conscious, it's not a choice. It's just how your scared and overdone brain sounds the alarm to bring you back to you. Now.
In those moments, instead of spiraling into the gremlin thoughts, try giving yourself a micro, small, medium and/or large pause.
Whether it's one second, an hour or over night, give yourself a big fat break. You're doing a beautiful job. It's just tiring to help people grow. Really tiring.
All is well.
The kids are alright.
Go easy on yourself.
Take breaks.
Choose love.

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