Monday, November 24, 2014

Edema, indigestion, menses cramps, female repro imbalances

Spleen 6 is Three Yin Crossing. A wonderful point to work to support your Yin energies - it is the juncture of Spleen, Liver, and Kidney on the inside of the leg.

Spleen 4 is Spleen's luo point - which means it's the passageway to it's Earth element pair, Stomach meridian. A great point to work if your Earth element is imbalanced. Often Spleen is underenergy while Stomach is overenergy.
SWELLING & VARICOSE VEINS: Sp4 & Sp6 are good for relieving edema, indigestion, menstrual cramps & female reproductive imbalances. Sp4 is a thumb's width behind the ball of the foot on the foot arch. Sp6 is four fingers widths above the inside anklebone in a slight indentation. Soreness in indicates blockage; hold lighter. For more points & self-care Please share.

Photo: SWELLING & VARICOSE VEINS: Sp4 & Sp6 are good for relieving edema, indigestion, menstrual cramps & female reproductive imbalances. Sp4 is a thumb's width behind the ball of the foot on the foot arch. Sp6 is four fingers widths above the inside anklebone in a slight indentation. Soreness in indicates blockage; hold lighter. For more points & self-care check-out  Please share.

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