Thursday, January 8, 2015


Here we are in 2015... 2+0+1+5=8 ....A year of magic ahead 
Muriel said ..."As I contemplate the number 8, I become aware that it is the path of all evolutionary cycles. The 8 is the cosmic symbol of vitality and unusual power. It is the highest feminine number. It is magic, splendour, cosmic freedom. It is perfect intelligence reminding us that the lowest form of spirit is matter and the highest form of matter is spirit. Therefore, we need never know fear, False Evidence Appearing Real.
Wayne says "The sacred teachings of mankind, inclusive of all epochs and cultures, have espoused a common truth: As above, so below. The number eight (8), symbolises this awareness. In the study of. Jin Shin Jyutsu, SEL 8 represents and demonstrates this Action of Creation. The depiction of 8 as two circles, one above the other, illustrates this understanding. In symbology, the circle refers to spirit; and in the 8, the message is: spirit above, spirit below. In the English alphabet, H is the 8th letter where again, above and below manifests the sameness in symbol. Through many relationships, 8 is the key to all Depths; 8 is KEY to all dimensions. And through the Safety Energy Locks - Body (8) Mind (17), Spirit (26). In 8 Peace-fullness is realized.
So perfect and exciting that we arrive in the energy of #1 in this beautiful New Year - 1+1+2+0+1+5=1 ….Oneness 
Wayne says “SEL#1 is the place from which all activity, all movement, begins and so it’s the initiation of the process of spirit as matter. The movement of Heaven into Earth. A favourite role for #1 is helping us when we are stuck, whether it’s physically, mentally or spiritually. All of life is looking to move, #1 gives us that initiation into action. There’s a lot of 5th Depth relationships to SEL#1. It is our attainment at the highest level; the attainment of becoming who we were born to be. #5 means the final healing. So, 5th Depth will ultimately bring us back into Oneness. For instance, if we add all the Safety Energy Locks that are facilitated by the Little finger(5D): 15+18+20+23+24…they equal 100 - a really abundant #1. So Oneness is out ultimate state, the state from which we came, and it’s not only the state to which we return but also the state in which we exist. SEL#1 simply allows us to erase the illusions of any kind of separateness or anything that would keep us apart.”
Maybe we could honour the Oneness by holding our Safety Energy Locks #1’s (Masculine energy) every day …a reflection of the #8 (highest feminine number). 1+8=9 Unity and Infinity= Complete. Round off old cycles organically; to start with a clean slate.
Happy New Year to One and All   from FB jinshinjyutsu NZ

From No-Thing…
Because of Mary’s love and diligence, this theory of the Depths was developed. Thank you, Mary. Here is a description how energy becomes matter.
9th Depth is No-Thing. It is pure space, void, chaos. Think of it as pure energy.
8th Depth is “.” (The dot; the Creator, SOURCE of all sources) The first swirling…a vibration of sound and movement. It is the number of Creator Energy, God, magic, jumper cable energy. The Big Bang - “8” represents infinity. 8th Depth energy moves so fast, it denses down to the “eye of God” or the light of the eye, the light of the sun that manifests in the 7th Depth. Light cannot be seen until an object interrupts it – we are the objects. 8th Depth overflows to:
7th Depth is the SUN (energy which continually flows down. We are creatures of light. The spark of life happens at 7th Depth.
6th Depth is from the overflow of 7th Depth. 6th Depth gives birth to our unique expression of the “.” It is the (capital S) Source. (3rd Depth is the (little s) source. 6th Depth is the Blueprint. It is the breath of life essence. Here the Main Central Vertical Universal Harmonizing Energy is born. It is the exhale down the front and the inhale up the back. The space between exhale and inhale is “the stillness”. It then gives birth to the Left and Right Major Vertical Supervisor Universal Harmonizing Energy and it then gives birth to the Left and Right Diagonal Mediator Universal Harmonizing Energy.
The Left and Right Major Vertical Supervisor Universal Harmonizing Energy gives birth to all Safety Energy Locks. “SELs” are alive; they live and breathe and move. They are not precise points. Each SEL has a 6 inch diameter.
The Left and Right Diagonal Mediator Universal Harmonizing Energy gives birth to the 12 “individualized” body function energy and their harmony is measured through the 5 attitudes: worry, fear, anger, grief, pretense. The twelve kinds of body function energy circulate continuously throughout the body 24 hours a day – building, repairing and protecting it. The Mediator is the aspect that continues after death: soul. The Mediator is the bridge that transports Trinity Energy to my body.
6th Depth is the desire to be. Its vibration slows down and transforms to 3rd Depth. 3rd Depth transforms to 5th Depth. 5th Depth transforms to 1st Depth 2nd Depth…to 4th Depth…and back to 6th Depth (the Blueprint).
3rd Depth: our activity; SELs 16-22; blood essence.
5th Depth: our spiritual inheritance, body function energy, 144,000 energy flow patterns; SELs 24-26; bone.
1st Depth builds our container; SELs 1-4; superficial tissue, skin surface
2nd Depth: the depth that brings together body, mind, spirit; SELs 5-15; deep tissue.
4th Dept: our personal destiny; SEL 23; muscle.
6th Depth: where 4th depth returns.
From No-Thing, July 10, 2013
Jin Shin Jyutsu Is, NJ

they can do anywhere, anytime. (She even writes about it in her book Siren’s Feast, A Culinary Memoir ( “By learning how to perform Jin Shin Jyutsu techniques on ourselves,” says Mehagian, “we can weather the challenges we’re all facing with greater ease.”
            Here are some examples:
To calm the nerves, simply hold the last three fingers of your hand, either side. This is the reason people wring their hands when nervous. Jin Shin is part of our innate wisdom so we are practicing it all the time unknowingly. Simply holding those last 3 fingers together is far more effective. Do this when sitting in the dentist’s chair, in meetings or doing interviews. 
To energize and revitalize the body when tired, simply sit on your hands, palms up, for 10 minutes. This can also be done in a prone position. As a bonus, sitting on your hands also helps get rid of cellulite.
For indigestion, gas and stomach aches, simply hold your thumbs, one at a time. If you are someone who tends to worry a lot, holding the thumbs also takes away worry.
For cancer prevention and to help the immune system, place the fingers of both hands on the sternum (breast bone located in center of your chest). Do this for a few minutes daily. 
Some of the challenges Mehagian has assisted clients to overcome with JSJ include turning breech babies, dissolving fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts, PMS, migraines, dissolving kidney obstructions, digestive disorders, insomnia and clearing emotional traumas.
Client and friend Quincy Jones says, “Nancy’s dedication, natural gift and mastery of the art of physical therapy is akin to the combination of a Stradivarius played by Itzak Perlman. She is in a category all by herself. A lady from the A Team.”                   
Mehagian currently resides in Studio City, CA and teaches Jin Shin Jyutsu seminars throughout Southern California.
- See more at:

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