Monday, August 18, 2014

DE Em for dying and loved on

 In the EEMCP group, I posted an exercise from Sara Allen and Barbara Scholz's class on EEM for the Dying that also seems like a good option for loved ones going thru the process of accepting this:

Using the energies of Spleen and Liver to facilitate acceptance of the dying process. Holding Spleen 21 with any appropriate elemental NV point to bring about comfort (metabolizing difficult emotions); holding Lv3 with any appropriate elemental NV point to reinstate the appreciation of the person's own power and importance (Liver as energy of self-worth).

On the NV hold with SP21 and LV3, the main frontal "Oh My God" points are great as they connect with many different elements. On NV used for the 5 elements - check EEMCP charts or the EM book (figure 36). You might choose based on the related emotion, your intuition, or energy test: Water (fear), Wood (anger), Fire (Panic), Earth (sympathy), and Metal (grief).

 found with my father passing last December, the best thing is to spend time together, ask questions and resolve issues. Assess insight level and any limiting thoughts/fears about death - can they meditate on inner plane to ask the loved one if there's anything they want your client to know? I might consider testing to do chakra balancing, radiant heart/Element and grounding work - and lots of acceptance that physiological-limbic pain is a reality - and that also, sadness is normal. Continue with daily regimen of self care, sunshine, Nature, etc. Remember and celebrate good memories, acknowledge the love, express gratitude.

Work with Metal element, especially with neurovasculars

make certain your client has a blood vitamin d level of 80 up to 100 ng/ml. The vitamin d test...scores the client between 0 to 100 ng/ml. Once, when I was feeling sad, Dr. Jeff Passer in Omaha said this is the most overlooked cause of sadness. Doctors never check this and if they do, they dont help get the patient to optimum levels. Waste no time, and it takes alot of d, like 5000 iu each day.

 Bach Flowers for her. They are extremely gentle and work quite well especially in acute situations like hers. Star of Bethlehem and Sweet Chestnut would help with sadness, grief and heartache. Also Red Chestnut would be good for worry about loved ones. Mixing 2 drops each of the mother formula into a small carrier bottle mixed with spring water and 5 single drops taken at least 5 times a day will gradually help with all she is going through. Blessings for them bot

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